
Write to Your Congressperson Now

Help Legislators Understand the Importance of Xylazine in the Veterinary Profession as Illicit Xylazine Use Is Now Considered an “Emerging Threat” by the White House The time has come for the veterinary profession to rally on this important legislation. Every voice...

Support the VetMed PAC!

By Attorney Jordan Lamb, DeWitt LLP As we gear up for the 2022 elections, the WVMA urges members to support the VetMed PAC, our state political action committee. Supporting candidates for state legislative office is part of the WVMA advocacy program. Many critical...

Joint Finance Committee Supports Position for VEB

By Attorney Jordan Lamb, DeWitt LLP The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) is one step closer to having a full-time staff position for the Veterinary Examining Board (VEB). On June 2, the Joint Finance Committee approved omnibus...

Legislation To Repeal Personal Property Tax Reintroduced

By Attorneys Jordan Lamb and Wes Webendorfer, DeWitt LLPThe WVMA, along with numerous business and professional associations, has advocated for years to eliminate the personal property tax because it is unfair, restrains private sector growth and results in...

VEB Forms Telehealth Advisory Committee

By Attorney Jordan Lamb, DeWitt LLP In January, the Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board (VEB) formalized the 13 members of its new Telehealth Advisory Committee. The Committee will assist the VEB with evaluating and developing a recommendation for a Wisconsin...

The WVMA Advocacy Program: Advocacy vs. Politics

29 Jul The WVMA Advocacy Program: Advocacy vs. Politics Posted at 11:27h in Advocacy by Tracie Luedtke0Likes By Attorney Jordan Lamb, DeWitt LLP The 2020 elections are just months away and we are starting to see many political commercials...