Change That Will Do Us Good

With nimble as our new normal, the recommendations to improve the governance process are taking shape, and we’re at the part where your voice gets louder. We need your feedback. These recommendations include changes to the board composition and size, geographical representation, the election process, and clarity of roles.

Why is this happening now? Because the WVMA is a 21st century organization with 20th century governance. We need to fix that, and you’re a big part of making those fixes happen.

What’s NOT Changing

Our overall mission to enrich the lives of Wisconsin veterinarians remains our focus. Our strategic plan remains the same, and our CARE model still drives us. The changes we’re making to the way we work make us better suited to getting things done.

What It All Means


Too many WVMA members don’t know what district they live in or what the purpose of a district is. The new structure will provide clarity and enhance access to the board, no matter what part of the state you’re in.


A simplified selection of board members will offer the opportunity for all WVMA members to serve on the board and vote for board directors regardless of where they live.


Not only will this be a pathway to more involvement in the organization, but it will also help ensure the board represents veterinarians of all shapes and sizes, from all parts of the state and all parts of the profession.

WVMA Bylaws

Our bylaws have been in place for quite a while. To stay current, we need to evolve some things—technology, how we meet, ways to vote, etc. The revision of our bylaws will get us up to speed and allow us to be more nimble and flexible.

Geographic Factors

Board members will come from the five regions, but now represent the entire state. At least one board member—including officers—must work in one of the regions to ensure geographic diversity.

Click maps to zoom in

Transition Plan

Click charts to zoom in

Your Voice Matters

The WVMA is your organization. No matter the size of your practice or the town you’re in, you have a voice. Let yours be heard. Please share your thoughts on the proposed Governance changes and process. Reach out to WVMA staff at 608-257-3665 or email
And thank you all for everything you do every day—for each other, for your patients, and for our profession.
Have a Question? Ask A Board Member.
Dr. Meg Mueller
Dr. Brian Darkow
District 4 Representative
Dr. Kimberly Kratt
Dr. Becky Johnson
District 5 Representative
Dr. Sarah Novak
Past President
Dr. Jennifer Rediske
District 6 Representative
Dr. Becca Raffel
District 1 Representative
Dr. Amy Wiegel
District 7 Representative
Dr. Kari Severson
District 2 Representative
Dr. Jennifer Nemec
District 9 Representative
Dr. Robert Forbes
District 3 Representative
Allison Leschke
Third Year Student Representative
Jo-ell Carson
WVMA Executive Director