Clinics Need Candidates and Students Need Experience

Mar 1, 2021 | News, WVMA News

By Jo-ell Carson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association

It seems we have a disconnect between those looking to hire and those trying to find a job. The good news is, we are setting up a way to connect you this summer.

The Shallow Recruitment Pool

One thing I’m often hearing is how shallow the recruitment pool is for veterinary professionals. There are too many jobs and not enough candidates. The shallowest part of the pool seems to be those interested in rural Wisconsin opportunities. While it’s possible candidates don’t want to work in rural Wisconsin, it’s also possible they don’t know about working in rural Wisconsin. Now is the time to have future candidates experience your clinic and city or town while forming a relationship with your staff. Investing the time and energy now positions everyone better for the future.

Connect To the Best Candidate Pool This Summer

Could your clinic host a student for a week-long shadowing opportunity? Could your clinic have different students come for different weeks? Could your clinic use an extra set of hands this summer? Whatever you can provide, whatever you may need, share it with students.

Our best candidate pool is right here in Wisconsin – the UW School of Veterinary Medicine. Like all of us, students are feeling incredibly disconnected. They are worried about how to find practical experience, meet future employers, and get a job when they graduate. This summer would be an excellent time for clinics to host students.

How To Participate

Summer will be here fast so we’re connecting you as quickly and easily as possible. Go to the Resources page and fill out the simple Google Form. We’ll post the results and consistently share them with our students. Additionally, we’ll ask students to fill out a similar form that we will share with interested clinics. Clinics can contact students. Students can contact clinics. We’ll leave the rest up to you.

Remember, If You Aren’t Visible, You’re Invisible

Students talk. A lot. To each other. They gather information online, from professors, from experiences. If they know or hear something about your clinic, they will share it. If they don’t, they won’t. When nothing is known about your clinic, preconceived notions can be made.

Create your own impression. Share your own story. Let students share their experience with their peers. One of the people listening – or the person talking – could be your next employee.