Nominations Now Open for WVMA Member of the Year and Pet Hall of Fame

Jul 11, 2021 | News, WVMA News

By Jo-ell Carson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association

WVMA members are an incredibly humble group. You save patients, console clients, educate peers and advance veterinary medicine. You give of yourselves wholeheartedly and often ask for little in return. This has never been more apparent than in the past 16 months. As the world suffered through a life-altering pandemic, animals played a greater-than-usual role in helping humans. And you, our members, played a greater-than-usual role in helping those animals and their humans.

At the WVMA, we hear many wonderful stories – yet our members tend to brush these off as all in a day’s work. If you won’t brag about yourself, why not brag about a peer? A staff member? An extraordinary industry partner? Or how about you brag about a patient? An animal who was a hero, an amazing companion or an outstanding professional? Make a nomination for a WVMA annual award. It’s easy to do and anyone can submit.

WVMA Member of the Year

We are looking for the WVMA Member of the Year. Someone who rose above and persevered during an extraordinary time in our world. This pandemic tested us all. COVID-19 strained our relationships, our professions, and our physical and mental health. Yet, you know someone who went above and beyond. Someone who pulled others through. It could be a veterinarian, a coworker, a student, a professor or an industry partner. Someone who is an excellent representative of the veterinary medical profession through their actions and attitude.

Pet Hall of Fame

Coronavirus also reminded the world of the importance of our animals. Look at 2020 adoption rates or the overbooked schedules in most clinics or referral centers. Animals made a significant impact on human lives. Some through their companionship, others as working animals and some that may have saved a human life. We want to add them to the Pet Hall of Fame.

Many Ways to Nominate

Please share your story. Make a nomination for Member of the Year or Pet Hall of Fame. Send your story via email, tell us in a cell phone video, give us a call or write a letter – we will take your nomination however it’s most convenient for you. Send your nomination to or call (608) 257-3665. The nomination deadline is September 1.

With all that happened this past year, you have a story that stands out. Now is your chance to make sure your hero gets the recognition that he/she/they would never ask for but completely deserves.

Member of the Year Criteria

Given to a WVMA member – DVM, CVT, support staff, industry partner, professor or student – who is an excellent representative of the profession through their actions and attitude.

Pet Hall of Fame Criteria

HERO CATEGORY: A pet who has saved or preserved human life
COMPANION CATEGORY: A pet who has provided benefit to his or her human companion(s) or community
PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY: A trained assistance animal (for law enforcement, military, guide, etc.)