Reconnect Our Vets

Apr 1, 2021 | News, WVMA News

By Jo-ell Carson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association

We miss seeing our members, and we know you miss each other. We hear it often.

“I feel disconnected.”

“The mental health in our clinic is strained.”

Many of you have expressed a need to connect with others in the veterinary community, to feel that camaraderie with those facing similar challenges. That is why the WVMA will be offering opportunities to bring you together (safely) in more informal
environments – both virtually and in person.

Vets & Vino (Virtual)

Join us on Tuesday, April 6, for the WVMA Vets & Vino online event, sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. Enjoy a relaxing evening to unwind while chatting with colleagues.

In February, the WVMA hosted Board members and students for a fun evening of games and casual conversations. The most common post-survey response was, “I wish we had more time.” Virtual is not the same as in person, of course, but it is an opportunity to reconnect with like-minded individuals.

Reconnect the Vets (In-Person)

Beginning in July, our goal is to offer a safe, outdoor environment for our members to reconnect in person. It will be an opportunity to laugh, relax and see friends (and make new ones) after a long, isolating year. We are committed to hosting an event that is safe, yet fun and valuable.

Help Us Get It Right

If you have not completed the Reconnect the Vets email survey, please take some time to do it now. The survey will help us shape a valuable and enjoyable event.

Over the past year we have all gotten better at technology and used platforms and tools that were foreign to us. We have learned that many of the things we ‘had to do’ can actually wait. We have all been forced to look at where we spend our time and energy. And, if the past year has taught us anything, it is that we need people. No matter how social you are (or aren’t), people need human interaction. Sometimes through a screen is not good enough.