The first portion of this webinar will be a practical, clinically relevant review of the latest updates in the diagnosis and management of mitral valve disease in dogs. Recent data, including the 2021 BESST study and 2019 ACVIM guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs, will be discussed with tips to apply the findings to your daily practice. The second hour will review canine pancreatitis pathophysiology as well as the mechanism of action of the leukocyte-function associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) inhibitor, fuzapladib sodium for injection (PANOQUELL-CA1).
Jessica Burns, DVM Dr. Jessica Burns graduated with her BS in Biochemistry from Baylor University before receiving her DVM degree from the University of Illinois in 2006. Before joining Ceva as a veterinary service manager, she enjoyed working as a small animal practitioner. During her time in practice, she founded, owned, and operated a mobile house call practice for over ten years. Her work-related interests include feline medicine, dermatology, and business management. She currently resides in Colorado with her family; exploring the outdoors and being active are some of her favorite hobbies.