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Practice for Sale in West Central WI

Solo doctor, profitable, small animal practice in West Central WI along MN border.  Free-standing building, over 3500sf, 2 exams, room for expansion, also for sale. Contact us today! Contact: Simmons Midwest 877-322-6465 or

Practice for Sale in Western WI

Rare multi-doctor, high revenue, small animal opportunity in larger city in western WI.  Modern building, over 6600sf, 6 exams. Contact us today!   Contact: Simmons Midwest 877-322-6465 or

Small Animal Housecall Practice for Sale

Madison, WI Would you like lunches at home, no call, no weekends, fresh air and variety?  Dedicated owners and reduced patient stress?  The freedom to decide your own schedule and know you're working for the rewards that matter to you?  Established Madison mobile...

Small Animal Vet Clinic for Sale

PT - FT / Madison, WI West side of Madison, perfect location, rental space, loyal client base, website removed due to high demand of new clients, Vet is retiring, business partner/owner will remain to help transiton and promote the new veterinarian(s). Contact us for...