March International Veterinary Rounds: Screwworm Cases in Costa Rica
Sharing knowledge and experiences from a wide array of cases is an excellent way to give back to our profession, and here’s your opportunity! Over the past three years, the UW School of Veterinary Medicine and Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory have developed a collaborative relationship with EMRI Green Health Services in Hyderabad, India to provide clinical training of field veterinarians. This relationship includes regular monthly virtual case rounds. The goals: an expanded audience and enhanced participation of veterinary colleagues on all continents.
During the March case presentation, Dr. Judy Batker will discuss the screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) cases she’s seen while traveling to Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica with the Equitarian Initiative. Dr. Batker will present effective prevention and treatment methods, location availability of these methods, and the prevalence of the screwworm in various regions.
Case Study Presenter: Judy Batker, DVM, Country View Equine Clinic
- Keith Poulsen, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
- Ryan Breuer, DVM, DACVIM
- Jane Renee Lund, DVM, MS, MBA, DACVPM, DACVR (DI, EDI)