Fly Management on U.S. Dairies


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Total Payable Amount $287.70

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CE Credits: 2.4 Scientific

This webinar will highlight the important fly species impacting dairy operations in the US, including their life cycle and the economic consequences of these pests. Different control strategies will be discussed.


David Prentice, DVM, MS
Dr. David Prentice received his DVM in 1991 from Iowa State University and spent roughly eight years in private practice in Iowa and California before going back to receive a Masters in Dairy Science from the University of Wisconsin, where he researched ionophores effects on SARA. For the last 23 years, he has been in the industry, providing technical support on a variety of products and services. He currently works for Elanco Animal Health dairy business unit supporting animal health and nutritional health products, and he loves to help dairies kill flies!

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