Canine and Feline Vector-Borne Diseases


Processing Fee $7.70
Total Payable Amount $287.70

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CE Credits: 2.4 Scientific

In this fast-paced, interactive CE session, we will review the common vector-borne diseases we see in cats and dogs in the upper Midwest and discuss diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Half of the session will be organized as a Kahoot, a participation-based online quiz game, and there will also be time for participants to ask questions and bring tough or complicated cases.


Erin Lashnits, MS, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Dr. Erin Lashnits is a clinical assistant professor in small animal internal medicine at UW School of Veterinary Medicine. Her broad research interest is in infectious disease epidemiology using a One Health context, particularly studying zoonotic vector-borne diseases and infectious diseases that impact underserved veterinary populations.