Change That Will Do Us Good
With nimble as our new normal, the WVMA Executive Board is recommending improvements to how the WVMA is governed. These recommendations include changes to the board composition and size, geographical representation, the election process, and clarity of roles. Read through this webpage for detailed information, including these few updates made to the original recommendations:
NEW Comparison Document: Document with line-by-line changes and line-by-line explanations of the extensive rewrite and simplification as it relates to our current bylaws.
Updates for UW SVM Faculty Members: Clarifying language that non-DVM faculty shall be non-voting members.
Updates for Veterinary Staff Members: Ability for certified veterinary technicians to become non-voting members even if they are not employed at a clinic.
Membership quorum requirements: Updated language to obtain quorum when the majority of members present are regular voting members.
Your vote will be counted only once, either online or at the Annual Meeting.
Attend the Annual Meeting via Zoom to also hear first-hand updates on recent legislative efforts, financial standing, and leadership initiatives.
Register here and receive your Zoom link to attend.
Why is this happening now? Because the WVMA is a 21st-century organization with 20th-century governance. We need to fix that, and you’re a big part of making those fixes happen.
How We Got Here explains the WVMA board’s process and rationale for proposing governance changes.
Read President Dr. Meg Mueller’s perspective on the proposed changes to WVMA’s governance to better serve members across Wisconsin.