Milk Quality: Teat Dips, Liners, Bedding, and Much More


Processing Fee $7.70
Total Payable Amount $287.70

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CE Credits: 2.4 Scientific

This will be a practical presentation giving practitioners information to help them assist their dairies in making decisions and improving their milk quality on their dairies.


Andrew P. Johnson, DVM
Dr. Andrew Johnson, “The Udder Doctor,” resides in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Although semi-retired, he is currently operating his consulting service. He was employed by Grande Cheese Company as their Herd Health and Wellness veterinarian and does private consulting worldwide on milk quality issues. For over 35 years, he operated his consulting business, Total Herd Management Services, Inc. He received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Minnesota in 1976.

Dr. Johnson is a dairy consultant who has consulted in 32 countries and 46 states. He has consulted on dairies ranging from 20 to over 20,000 dairy cows. His specialties are quality milk production, new parlor design and performance, and cow comfort. He chaired the NMC sub-committee on milking machine evaluation and developed the new airflow protocols that have become the US standards.