Specs & Pricing

WVMA Member

$1.60 per word


$2.00 per word


Classified ads run for two consecutive months in the newsletter and online. Ads received by the first day of the month will appear in the following month’s publication. Ads received after the first day of the month will be held for an additional month. No exceptions can be made.
For example:
• Ads submitted by December 1 will be placed in the January newsletter issue and online the first week of January.
• Ads placed December 2-31 will be placed in the February newsletter issue and online the first week of February.
The online portion of your ad can be posted within five business days when selecting the priority placement option featured below. Extended periods of time are available by submitting a signed contract. Email the WVMA office to request a contract form.

Content and Edits

Ads will be printed as submitted. A $10 fee will be charged for ad copy edits requested after submission.

Optional Add-ons

Priority Placement

Request priority online ad placement for an additional $25 fee for members. This option can be selected while submitting an ad through the online form. Ads will be placed online within five business days.

Blind Box Ads

Additional $15 fee for Blind Box ads.

Adding an Image

Coming soon.

Second category

To add a second category to your listing, the cost is $15 per category.