Members-Only Registration Opens March 24

Saturday, May 2, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Vortex Optics Barneveld, WI


Large and mixed-animal veterinarians: earn six CE credits while refining your skills in a unique and exciting setting. 


This is the targeted, real-world training you need with lectures highlighting the latest veterinary techniques, expert-led handgun and rifle instruction, a hands-on darting lab, and facility tours.

Get More Info

Global Rounds: Screwworm Cases in Costa Rica

Friday, March 7, 8:15 – 8:45 am
CE Credits: .6 scientific Cost included in membership; $140 for nonmembers

Judy Batker, DVM, of Country View Equine Clinic will discuss the screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) cases she’s seen while traveling to Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica with the Equitarian Initiative. She will present effective prevention and treatment methods, location availability of these methods, and the prevalence of the screwworm in various regions.

Pet Nutrition Trends and Truths

Monday, March 24, 12-1 p.m.
CE Credits: 1.2 scientific Cost included in membership; $140 for nonmembers

All pets need proper nutrition, but educating owners can feel overwhelming. Many veterinary teams hesitate due to time constraints or concerns about controversy. This session will build confidence in delivering nutrition recommendations at every visit. Attendees will learn to engage clients in meaningful discussions, navigate diet trends, implement practical nutrition tools, and strengthen communication to support pet health. Sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition.

Managing My Equine Practice by the Numbers

CE Credits: 1.2 non-scientific Cost included in membership; $140 for nonmembers

From your day-to-day practice-owner point-of-view, your business may be thriving. However, determining overall performance versus industry standards can be a challenge. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the latest financial benchmarks for equine practices, including profit margins, labor costs, and revenue growth. Join the conversation to discover new ways to efficiently manage your practice and effectively measure your success. Sponsored by Wisconsin Horse Council.

H5N1 Update: Feline Cases, Poultry & Dairy Impacts

CE Credits: 1.2 scientific Cost included in membership; $140 for nonmembers

H5N1 has been detected in cats consuming raw milk. This high-priority webinar covers feline diagnosis and management, biosecurity for clinics, and the risk of wild bird introductions on farms. We’ll also discuss the national milk testing strategy and its veterinary implications, along with updates on poultry and dairy infections across multiple states.

Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation Updates

CE Credits: 1.2 scientific Cost included in membership; $140 for nonmembers

Explore the latest advancements in bull breeding soundness exams, including updates in technology and evidence-based practices. This session delves into morphologic assessments, helping practitioners identify and interpret common physical abnormalities in bulls. Sponsored by Lane Manufacturing Inc

Backyard Poultry Care and Medicine

CE Credits: 1.2 scientific Cost included in membership; $140 for nonmembers

As backyard poultry ownership becomes more popular, owners are looking for more effective ways to keep their flocks healthy. That means more veterinarians need to be capable of providing client education and veterinary care. In this interactive webinar discussion, you’ll learn about common backyard poultry, their care, differential diagnoses, and treatment options. Get the expert insight you need to keep poultry feeling healthy and happy.

The Equine Microbiome

CE Credits: 1.2 scientific Cost included in membership; $140 for nonmembers

The equine microbiome is a fascinating and fast-moving area of scientific research. Equine practitioners are constantly bombarded by horse owners with questions and concerns and feed companies with sales pitches and products. This discussion grounds us in understanding the equine microbiome and presents new research on its role in equine health and performance. Sponsored by Wisconsin Horse Council and Purina Animal Nutrition

CDC Dog Importation Resources

The CDC announced that it has substantially revised its new rule on dog importation to the U.S. as it relates to dogs from rabies-free and low-risk dog rabies countries. The new importation requirements are meant to prevent a reintroduction of canine rabies into the country. For more information, including AVMA FAQs, visit our Clinic Resources page and click on the Dog Importation Resources tab.

All-Course Access for Lifetime Members

For only $60, Lifetime Members can access WVMA’s Online Learning Library and all live and OnDemand courses throughout 2024. If you recently created a new password and are logged into our new platform, click the button below to purchase your All-Course Access Membership Upgrade.

If you do not already have your new password, first use your WVMA email address to reset your password and then log in before attempting to upgrade. For assistance, email us or call 608-257-3665. For more information click here.

Submit a Classified Ad

Are you looking to sell your practice, share a service, find a veterinary position, or lend your expertise as a relief vet?

You can do all that and more by posting a listing in the WVMA Classifieds! Your ad will appear in the WVMA Voice newsletter and on the WVMA website for two consecutive months and can be renewed at your request.

View our classified categories or click here to submit your classified ad.


Access the Veterinary Professional Assistance Program for any type of support you need.


Access premier online learning for veterinary professionals.


Pay other invoices here.


The Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation is the charitable arm of the WVMA.

For the good in all things

More Than a Profession

At the WVMA, we believe that being a veterinarian is more than just a profession. We are a community of individuals committed to advancing the cause of veterinary medicine in Wisconsin.

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Success starts with community. Come join us.
Become a member today. Make new friendships and
professional connections that will last a lifetime.

Our Support

2025 WVMA Vision Sponsor

We want to extend our thanks to SVA Certified Public Accountants,
our 2025 Vision Sponsor, who supports WVMA’s commitment to strengthening
veterinary medicine and the veterinary community in Wisconsin.